Saturday, July 3, 2010

You're Six?!!! How did that happen???

Spence turned 6 years old today. Sigh. It's not that I really mind the passage of time, because it seems like every stage in my boys' lives is more fun than the stage before (with new, surprising challenges to go with each one). But, how is it possible that 6 whole years have gone by since I first held my little guy in my arms? Seriously! No wonder I'm so tired. The last 6 years have been a blur...

Now, someday, I hope my sons will read this online journal of mine, and then they'll really know how nuts their Mom was/is. With that in mind, this is for you, Spence. Just a little snapshot of you, at the tender age of 6 (sniff, sniff, sob):
  • You are in CONSTANT motion! People use words like "busy" and "energetic" to describe you, when they're really thinking "Does this boy EVER slow down?!!" Your philosophy seems to be "Why walk, when you can run?"
  • You are very, very skinny. Partly because you run everywhere. Partly because you are an incredibly picky eater! And, partly because you have a metabolism like a humming bird. You actually lose weight overnight and wake up a couple of pounds lighter than you were the night before. Then, you have to eat all day to put the weight back on. How come that can't happen to me??? Doesn't seem fair...
  • You love to play with other people, but you also need your "alone time". It's very important to you. Your favorite thing to do, when you need a little time by yourself, is to take one of my kitchen spoons (especially the slotted spoon) and disappear into your bedroom or the office with it. You have an incredible imagination, and you pretend that spoon is everything from an archery bow to a spaceship to some sort of ray gun. It's a total blast to listen outside the door to you humming tunes to yourself and making cool, mystery noises. You will sometimes play for an hour or so, all by yourself, happy as a clam with your spoon. But, you are shy about other kids knowing that you love to play imagination games with a spoon, so you won't let us talk about it when you have friends over....
  • You adore chocolate! Absolutely love it. Your birthday cake for today is, of course, chocolate cake with chocolate icing. And, you are one of the messiest eaters I've ever seen (followed closely by your Daddy). So, everytime you eat chocolate, you somehow manage to get it all over your cheeks, in your hair, and all over your lap, the table, your chair, the floor...
  • You're a really great reader. You've just fnished Kindergarten, but you're reading at a second grader's level. You're just a natural, and we're so proud of you and so happy that you love to read as much as we do! Your handwriting, on the other hand...
  • You are a world class snuggler with Mommy and Daddy, but you are very choosy about who else you'll hug or kiss or snuggle. You are not the kind of boy who just runs up and freely hugs friends and family members. You have to feel really safe and secure and happy with them before you'll just offer up your affection. We have always respected that, and we never force you to hug or kiss anyone, even family. Well, OK, we did tell you that you have to hug your little brother after he gave you a Bakugan Yo-Yo for your birthday today...
  • Right now, your absolute favorite thing to do is to ride your bike. Rain or shine, around and around and around our cul-de-sac. I think, though, that riding your bike is about to be eclipsed by riding the Razor scooter you just got from us for your 6th birthday. You are bursting with excitement about it, so I'm going to wrap this up, so we can go try it out...
I love you, peanut. Happy birthday!



  1. Wow. 6 years old. That sounds so big. I look at my guys and try to imagine what they'll be like two years from now, ten years from now...being a mom is a constant practice in living in the now, huh? Happy birthday to Spencer. But really, Beth, happy birthday to you. After all, you birthed him.

  2. Happy Birthday Spencer! I loved reading about all of the things about him. While reading them, I chuckled at a few...especially the handwriting one. I can tell you what he played almost every single day during activity time in kindergarten...ships!!! He and his buddies would make ships out of zoobs. One day, they were shooting with them so I told them they had to find something else to play with. So...they sure were creative. They made ships with legos instead. Whenever I told them to stop shooting, Spencer would say, "Ooooh, the ships aren't shooting guns, they are shooting water!" Yes, you have a very smart little boy. I love him and give him a birthday hug from his "old" teacher. Or if he would rather, a birthday pat on the back. :)

  3. Happy birthday to you Momma, Birthdays are almost more about mommies as they are about the kids. Enjoy!

  4. Hope he had a wonderful birthday! Time does fly doesn't it? I can't believe my daughter is 4 and she'll be 6 in no time. Sigh and yay! It's tough being a parent sometimes!
